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SEDANIA Applauds ‘Madani Economy’ Framework, Huge Boost For ACE Market-Listed Companies

SEDANIA Innovator Berhad (SEDANIA) applauded Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s efforts to boost the country’s capital markets under the “Madani Economy: Empowering the People” framework.

Under the framework, one of the initiatives announced by Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim included allowing automatic transfer for companies listed on the ACE Market to the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia, subject to meeting certain criteria.

SEDANIA Founder and Managing Director Datuk Azrin Mohd Noor said, “We are glad with this new measure, which will be a catalyst to the local equity market as more quality ACE Market listed counters can now join the ‘big boys’ on the Main Market.

“For SEDANIA, it is our target to transfer to the Main Market within the next 2 years, as this would help elevate our status and be able to attract institutional investors, which are mostly limited to investing in Main Board companies.

“SEDANIA, as an Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) enabler, has been an interesting investment prospect for institutional investors looking to broaden their investment portfolio to include ESG counters.”

Since its listing in 2015 on the ACE Market, SEDANIA has invested in innovative ESG-centric businesses which lead to the reduction of carbon emissions and foster a more inclusive, sustainable living for communities.

Recently, SEDANIA’s Sustainable Energy unit was recognised as the best Energy Efficiency company under The ESG Positive Impact Awards.

To date, SEDANIA’s ongoing efforts of managing about 72 Gigawatt-Hours of energy by retrofitting over 400 buildings resulted in electricity savings of 107 Gigawatt-Hours.

Apart from this, SEDANIA’s Sustainable Healthcare subsidiary Offspring Inc. Sdn Bhd plays a vital role in reducing carbon emissions via its over 170 premium and certified sustainable healthcare products, available in more than 25 countries.

SEDANIA’s Fintech business has also been continuously playing a bigger role in elevating the sustainability of Malaysia’s financial ecosystem and improving financial inclusion. Its latest venture into the Islamic inheritance and estate planning space via a first-ever digital hibah platform has tremendous potential to mitigate the pain point of unclaimed assets worth some

RM70 billion belonging to Muslims in Malaysia. Digital hibah can foster greater awareness and education among Muslim families about wealth planning, thereby improving lives sustainably.

Azrin added that SEDANIA stands to benefit from the participation of institutional investors, which place importance on ESG investments by incorporating ESG mandates into their funds.

In addition, the company will be able to grow its ESG aspirations further and play a part in making Malaysia an attractive investment destination.

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