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What is
Energy Monitoring

Energy Monitoring Systems (EMS) provide data about a building's energy consumption whereby the data can be analysed by type (HVAC, lights, power plugs, etc), by area (floor) and time. 


Each system includes a digital energy meter (also called Digital Panel Meters or DPMs), a gateway (which sends the meter data to the cloud), and software that manages and presents the data. 


Typically, you require a few meters and gateways within in a building, in particular if you need a breakdown of the energy consumption by floor or department.

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Our Proprietary 
Energy Monitoring System

SEDANIA's Energy Monitoring System (SEMS) was designed to be accurate and cost-effective so that our clients can install multiple devices throughout the building.


Our system is available with built-in 4G, NB-IoT, or LoRa Wan connectivity.


We can monitor all key electricity parameters (voltage, current, frequency, power, power factor and energy), as well as temperature and humidity.


All data will be visually presented and shown in your customised Dashboard in your web-browser. Your Energy Manager can view the aggregated data (e.g. entire energy consumption in Malaysia) or zoom-in into more details (e.g. by building, floor, department).


Our system use quality Digital Panel Meters, Raspberry Pie based gateways, Amazon Web Services and a world leading presentation software. All data is securely stored in the cloud (AWS) and can be reviewed or compared with other years.


System Features
Use Energy Monitoring to Optimise and Reduce Cost


Simple, easy to use and installation time of less than 30 minutes.



User defined settings for all equipment limits & priority based alert.



24×7 Real-time energy usage availability via web dashboard & mobile app.


Alert users of energy spikes & critical data via SMS, e-mail & Push.


Dashboard anything. Monitor everything.

Create, explore and visualise your sustainability!


  • Proven software with over 800k installations worldwide and million of users

  • Show data that everyone can understand and use. Show beautiful charts that can tell a story and support your sustainability efforts.

  • Zoom in and out - See the big picture and then zoom in your data to explore and discover abnormalities

  • Include all environmental data (e.g. energy, operating hours, temperature (inside and out), humidity, etc)

  • Secure hosting, backup and storage by Amazon Cloud Services


Start with knowing your energy consumption first.

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