Apr 12, 20221 min

Sedania's Offspring enters African market

KUALA LUMPUR: SEDANIA Innovator Bhd's (Sedania) sustainable healthcare subsidiary, Offspring Inc Sdn Bhd (Offspring) has made further inroads into overseas markets, having received its first order to export its sustainable healthcare products to Togo and Nigeria.

In a statement today, Sedania said the latest milestone validates and cements Offspring's global expansion aspirations as it is already present in major continents such as Europe, North America and Asia.

Meanwhile, Offspring chief executive officer Roslan Ismail said the orders from the African nations represent a significant step forward in the group's plans to firmly establish Offspring's presence in Africa -- the world's second largest and most populous continent.

"Togo and Nigeria will be our first two forays into Africa. The impending successful deliveries should raise our brand awareness in Africa and strategically position Offspring to capture further opportunities in the continent.

"We are optimistic about penetrating more African markets as we believe our products fulfill the healthcare needs of the large African populace," he said, adding that Togo and Nigeria's population are currently at approximately 8.7 million and 215.1 million, respectively.

Offspring markets and exports a range of safe, all-natural and eco-friendly baby products such as diapers, plant-based wipes and sustainable household essentials, manufactured using environmentally-friendly materials and ingredients.

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